Wiley Miller


Artikkel informasjon

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Wiley Miller is a legend in the ski world who originally grew up in Billings, MT. Wiley's work as a competitive and film athlete, as well as background in product development and design, has had a profound effect on the industry and sport for the past decade.

“Sweet Protection has the safest and most functionally integrated eyewear and helmets in

snow sports.”

Wiley Miller

How did you choose your kit for Run?

"The Durden RIG Reflect Goggles are my favorite frames for skiing. I prefer the traditional flat lens look and love the fit. The oversized strap and thick foam around the face create a seal that tops any other frame I’ve worn.

The Heat RIG Reflect and Ronin Max RIG Reflect sunglass frames complete my ski touring and aviation kit. The Ronin is my go-to touring frame. It’s one step away from a sealed goggle, with similar function in optics. Plus, it’s breathable and has the added wind and sun protection I want and need.

The Heat is lightweight and fits well with my headset when flying and just looks good."

-Wiley Miller

"The Durden RIG Reflect Goggles are my favorite frames for skiing. I prefer the traditional flat lens look and love the fit. The oversized strap and thick foam around the face create a seal that tops any other frame I’ve worn.

The Heat RIG Reflect and Ronin Max RIG Reflect sunglass frames complete my ski touring and aviation kit. The Ronin is my go-to touring frame. It’s one step away from a sealed goggle, with similar function in optics. Plus, it’s breathable and has the added wind and sun protection I want and need.

The Heat is lightweight and fits well with my headset when flying and just looks good."

-Wiley Miller

Freeride is at our very core. Always has been, always will be. Pushing the limits of what’s possible is also at the core of Sweet Protection. These shared values make Wiley Miller the perfect fit for the brand. He’s such an awesome skier and has been on the scene for more than a decade. We’re stoked to have him on the team. I think it’s very cool that he’s a pilot—maybe he can fly us somewhere remote for skiing!

- Ståle N. Møller

Freeride is at our very core. Always has been, always will be. Pushing the limits of what’s possible is also at the core of Sweet Protection. These shared values make Wiley Miller the perfect fit for the brand. He’s such an awesome skier and has been on the scene for more than a decade. We’re stoked to have him on the team. I think it’s very cool that he’s a pilot—maybe he can fly us somewhere remote for skiing!

- Ståle N. Møller

Oppdag Sweet

Sterkere. Lettere. Bedre.

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På vår utøverside kan du utforske de utrolige historiene til utøverne som stoler på utstyret fra Sweet Protection tar deres prestasjoner til nye høyder. Fra dristige terrengsyklister som takler utfordrende stier til fryktløse freeriders og snowboardere som cruiser gjennom puddersnødekte skråninger, representerer utøverne våre ånden av eventyr og motstandskraft.

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Presse og Nyheter
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Uno-X Mobility & Sweet Protection

Sweet Protection er en av hovedpartnerne til det første UCI Pro Cycling-laget fra Norge; Uno-X Mobility. De kommende sesongene vil laget bli sett i våre hjelmer, briller og casual klær. Vi er stolte av å støtte laget når de markerer seg i de største sykkelrittene og deltar i det prestisjefylte 2023 Tour de France.

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